Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Thinking about nutrition

Today I had a very cool opportunity with Rocky Mountain Tri Club to listen to some pretty awesome pro triathletes talk about the quadratic formula.

....No just kidding. They talked about triathlon obviously. 

So the pros were Liz Blatchford, Rachel Joyce, Drew Scott, and Tim Don. The talked a lot about training and the idea of 20-30 hours/wk blew my mind. I have to FIGHT to get in 10 and last summer the few times I got in 12 or 13 really wore me down. Can't imagine double that.

But honestly, what I took away most was something I all ready knew but needed a swift kick in the ass about: nutrition.

Drew Scott talked about 400 cal/hr on the bike. Tim Don said "if you think you need 4-5 gus, take 6-7." And they are both right. As anyone who has been following me knows I have had some rough runs, rides and races all due to nutrition (for some reason, I'm always smart about bringing gatorade to long swim workouts - even so I've had some cramping there too). I need to get my head in the game.

Part of being a woman, especially a woman who did not grow up an athlete and spent the vast majority of her teen years losing a lot of weight, makes me incredibly calories conscious. Sometimes I'll know on a workout I need more nutrition, but the thought of losing the calories in weight will nag at me. If I don't think I need it, I won't take it to gain the extra 200-calorie loss. God. That's dumb isn't it? I probably burn 1500 cal on the average bike ride. I can give an extra 100 cal to nutrition. We'll call it a July resolution: take the damn nutrition supplement.

But most importantly, it reminded me my idea for Boulder is right. When I bought my nutrition last week at Tribella, I bought double what I intended upon buying. So originally I planned 2 gus and 1 pack of enduro bites: 600 cal (plus gatorade on the bike and sport beans on the run - so maybe 800 for the whole race). I'm glad I did because while the extra pack of EnduroBites are staying home (or in the cooler), those Gus are getting taped somewhere just in case I feel so inspired to eat them. 

I am determined to have a good race, or at least a better race than last time. It all starts with getting all my ducks in a row.

On an uplifting note, here's a picture of me with Tim Don at Runner's Roost.

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