Saturday, October 13, 2012

Kona, break throughs, race report to follow

Hey guys,

A race report is soon to come because I'm running Run the Rocks 5k tomorrow. My calves are going to hurt so bad from the hills and stairs.

The news since last we spoke is:

1. SPEED. Wednesday brought 6.3 miles averaging below 9 min/mile. Just ran 4 miles at right around 8:30 pace. While that killer 4 miles might have had something to do with my strong desire to rip something to shreds.. I'm still hoping this is a sign of something good and solid to come! Where can I find me a nice, solid, flat road race? 10k? Half marathon. mmmmmm I feel READY

2. I had a Picky Bar. I tried the All in Almond flavor - very good. It's like if Powerbars met Larabars and were a nice balance of yummy, nutty, chewy and not too sticky. I'm a fan. I'll let you know when I try the remaining flavors.

3. My job let me do coverage on Hincapie's statement release!
Now, if there was a byline I'd almost be a real journalist.

Kona was today guys! (Slash it's still going on) and Chrissie Wellington announced while hosting that she generally has a cadence of 75 on her bike. 75!! Man that girl mashes them gears and is still fierce!
I'm excited to see who wins. You can watch live feed here:
It keeps making my internet crash but... that may be my own problem.

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