Wednesday, May 18, 2011


First of all, it's my 21st birthday.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming. It's been a while:
Gottta fess up. I can't get on and off my bike correctly.. err, well efficient. I'm really really awful about it. I'm not even talking about fancy flying mounts and dismounts (which I probably think are even more fancy because I get on and off my bike in a very strange way).

Why is it stupid, you may ask? Well I get on my saddle first and then a try to get on the pedals which is dumb because the way bikes are fit (if fit correctly) you should not be able to touch the ground when on the saddle, which I can't... except with my toes, which makes it even more... special.

So what am I suppose to do, you may ask?
Stand straddling the top tube but not yet seated (that's where I fail).
Put your foot on one pedal while keeping the other on the ground. Push down on this pedal and stand up at the same time. Keep your weight shifted slightly to the other side so as to keep your balance. Get on the seat and put your free foot on the pedal. HOORAY!

My challenge, I think, is the part when one is standing and balancing on one foot. Hmmm. Maybe I should practice riding standing with one foot because, it's also key in the dismount:

Get off the saddle and stand. STEP ONE. Yeah about that. Take the higher foot off its pedal and begin to stop your bike. As the bike stops, tip it slightly to the side with the freed foot. Put that foot on the ground aaaannnnd STOP. Remove other foot, you know, if you want.

Well poo. Now I guess I have to practice these things. YUCK.

1 comment:

  1. you can do it birthday girl!!! let me know if I can help ;) see you tonight!
