Friday, April 24, 2015

[Race Report] KHMTT #4 and the week of sickness

Sometimes, you think "yes, finally I'll have two solid weeks of training!" but then your maybe somewhat stupid decision to race in sub-par conditions comes back to bite you in the ass.

Welp, that's about where I'm at. I woke up on Monday morning feeling respiratory misery, went to work late and probably should've just not gone at all. Spent Tuesday similarly dragging. Wednesday felt almost woozy, but raced KHMTT anyway.

It was supposed to be a really nice day, but as is almost always the case, once race time rolled around, the gods fired upon us. Seriously though, rain mania. Happy Earth Day, Earth. Enjoy the replenishment.

I decided not to ride to the reservoir today and man was that a good decision - down pour of rain minutes after getting in my car. Made it in time and sat in my car until 20 minutes before my start time. The rain was pounding and the temperature had dropped from a lovely 63 to maybe 50. Still it didn't feel too windy. I took off on the slight uphill with rain pelting me. It was actually pretty bad. I turned and was booking it on my way out but ooph the turn around was some bad wind. Today I hit 6.4 miles in 20 min which was .1 miles behind my best time. I worked hard up the hill, tried to use the advantage of the wind and the downhill to my best ability, but again, another turn around cost me time. Not my best race, but not my worst. Coming back into the final uphill, the wind was fierce and did not make my climbing effort any easier. However, I think it says something that I was one of 5 in my category to actually get her butt out there. I placed 3rd.

Eric and I shared sushi and chicken afterwards for dinner - trying to refuel intelligently. We ate all the same things except I woke up with the worst stomach pain. Day two, and I'm still fighting it off. So much for my awesome training week. :/ Oh well, hopefully it passes tomorrow.

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