Friday, April 1, 2011

Just keep swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim, swim.

Yesterday was "wear your wetsuit to practice" day for the triathlon team. For many of us, this was our first time swimming in our wetsuits (for me it was time number 2, as you may remember from two posts ago about open water swimming).

Well, something I didn't really talk about is that ... not everyone responds too well to wetsuits. In fact, most people really don't like it. Me? I kind of feel like I could take it or leave it. This might be because I'm not a great swimmer so there is no "established habit" with me. However, my friend Kendyl, who has been swimming competitively forever (and is an excellent swimmer), completely freaked out in her wetsuit. The compression made her feel claustrophobic and the neckline made her feel like she was choking. SO get in those wetsuits pre-race and get in the water (EVEN if it's a pool).

My friend posted this open water swimming article on facebook. I recommend you read it if you're really interested, but to sort of echo/summarize the things I really find important:

  • You cannot see anything. Anything. It's horrifying.
  • Bring a buddy. Just do it.
  • If the water is over 80 degrees, ditch the wetsuit
  • Practice sighting. It's weird as all get out. Here's a link to my entry on sighting :]
  • Spot the kicking bubbles of racers in front of you! Best piece of advice yet. I like that one.
  • Breathe on BOTH sides! I sucked at this when I started, but I learned and then got in open water and waves, well, they like to crash in your mouth. However, if you breathe to the other side you can out smart them.
  • Calm down. Relax. Another tri-girl (Kelli) was talking to Kendyl and me yesterday about how she gets through the swim - which is very similar to how I cope during a swim: mantras. "Breathe. You're fine." 

Thus concludes my "tips" (that I stole from a website).
When all else fails, just pretend you're Dory from Finding Nemo swimming into the black abyss. (Except there is no scary skeletal, light-up fish at the end.. I promise. Maybe there is a muskie, but...)

Hey Mr. Grumpy Gills
You know what you gotta do when life gets you down?
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming
Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming
What do we do? We swim, swim, swim
Oh ho ho how I love to swim
When you waaaannnnt to swim you want to swim...

1 comment:

  1. OMG. I can totally see you singing the Dory song in the water. Seems like a good strategy to me!
